• Strength in buyer/seller matching which is a major plus for our clients.

  • We review and screen dozens of specific overseas trades leads every day.

  • We attempt to find matching U.S. suppliers willing to sell through us.

  • We do all the work at no risk or hassle to you.

  • We arrange secure payment and handle all the paperwork and delivery details.

  • There are no mandatory costs to you upfront.

  • We get paid only when you do and at a fraction of your proceeds.

Where do we get these leads, and how solid are they? We subscribe to internet databases containing over 10,000 foreign trade leads at any one time. However, we know that many of these are simply “fishing expeditions” to elicit free samples. That’s why we focus exclusively on high-quality leads reported by U.S. and foreign government agencies and by foreign buyers/distributors who paid a fee to post their lead.

Here’s an illustrative trade lead reported by the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait. Note the detail about the products sought, how best to respond, and the customer’s bona fides (names omitted in this sample). This is typical of the leads we pull up every day and would send to relevant suppliers in our network.

Sample ITM Trade Lead
Country: Kuwait
Date of lead: 04/05/95
Type of lead: Private sector – for direct sale
HS codes: 901819
SIC codes: 3822.

901819 Diagnostic laboratory equipment
3822 Diagnostic test kits

Product details: Seeks U.S. diagnostic laboratory equipment and test kits.
Product specifications: Must be high quality.
Quantity sought: To be decided later.
Dollar value: Unknown.
When needed: Soon
Other information: U.S. firms should immediately contact XXXXXXXX.

Response language: English
Best way to respond: By fax or courier.
From manufacturers only: No
Information from U.S. firm: Catalog and prices lists.
Primary buying factors: Price, quality and availability.
Other information: None.

Type of business: Import, retailing, distribution and contractors.
Year established: 1965
Number of employees: 250
Annual sales: $25 million
Member of business chamber: Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Bank reference: Bank of Kuwait and Middle East
U.S. firms represented: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Other information: Obtainable from the company.

POST REMARKS: The XXXXXX Company is one of the leading companies in Kuwait dealing in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. It enjoys a very good business reputation.

Ms. XXXXXX, Sales Manager
P.O. Box XXXX Safat 13028 Kuwait

We are actively seeking U.S. suppliers willing to work with us to pursue specific, relevant trade leads. If you would like to be part of our supplier network, please use the “Let Us Hear from You” form to tell us what products you can supply for export. You’re under no obligation to commit to a sale, but we do expect you to respond promptly to our requests and to be able and willing to supply your products if the terms meet your approval.