Training and management are essential components in any organization. Effective training ensures that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks efficiently. It equips them with the tools they need to succeed and grow within the company. Moreover, training helps in enhancing employee morale and job satisfaction, which ultimately leads to higher productivity levels. On the other hand, management plays a crucial role in guiding and overseeing the operations of the organization. It involves making strategic decisions, setting goals, and providing direction to the team. Strong management ensures that resources are allocated effectively, conflicts are resolved, and targets are met. A well-trained workforce combined with efficient management creates a positive work environment and contributes to the overall success of the organization. ITM offers training seminars in various specialized management development areas. Training seminars are held according to the training needs of different entities in the public, and private sectors. These programs are designed and offered to expose and optimize the efficiency of middle and senior level managers and administrators in different fields. 

Training Methodology: An optimum combination of training techniques and devices are used throughout all training seminars. For example, session room presentations are conducted by highly experienced and intellectual trainers in their fields of profession. Also, group discussion, case studies, role playing, exercises and applications, audio visual presentations and active participation of participants are valuable parts of the training process. Professional training site visits are designed not only to strengthen the opportunities for exchanging experiences between the participants’ home institutions and similar U.S.A. institutions, but also to explore U.S.A technological and cultural achievements. These experiences will provide the participants with practical tools and techniques that can be effectively implemented in his/her professional life.

Training Languages: ITM’s unique training seminars are offered in ARABIC, ENGLISH, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, SPANISH and any other languages upon request. This provides a good opportunity in determining the language in which training will be conducted in order to fulfill training objectives and achieve the effective development of participants’ analytical and managerial skills.